They apply to Shakespeare, Poetry, Modern novels, EVERYTHING.
On the Gatsby exam, the examiners are looking only for AO2 in question A.
In question B, they look for everything else.
These are copied exactly from the Course Specifications, found HERE.
Assessment Objectives
Articulate creative, informed and relevant responses to literary texts, using appropriate terminology and concepts, and coherent, accurate written expression.
Demonstrate detailed critical understanding in analysing the ways in which structure, form and language shape meanings in literary texts.
Explore connections and comparisons between different literary texts, informed by the interpretations of other readers.
Demonstrate understanding of the significance and influence of the contexts in which literary texts are written and received.
A/B boundary Performance descriptions
Candidates characteristically:
a) communicate extensive knowledge and understanding of literary texts
b) create and sustain well organised and coherent arguments, using appropriate terminology to support informed interpretations
c) structure and organise their writing using an appropriate critical register
d) communicate content and meaning through expressive and accurate writing.
Candidates characteristically:
a) identify significant aspects of structure, form and language in literary texts
b) explore, through detailed critical analysis, how writers use these aspects to create meaning
c) consistently make reference to specific texts and sources to support their responses.
Candidates characteristically:
a) analyse and evaluate connections or points of comparison between literary texts
b) engage sensitively and with different readings and interpretations demonstrating clear understanding.
Candidates characteristically:
a) explore and comment on the significance of the relationships between specific literary texts and their contexts
b) evaluate the influence of culture, text type, literary genre or historical period on the ways inwhich literary texts were written and were – and are – received.
E/U boundary performance descriptions
Candidates characteristically:
a) communicate knowledge and some understanding of literary texts
b) present responses, making some use of appropriate terminology and examples to support interpretations
c) communicate content and meaning using straightforward language accurately.
Candidates characteristically:
a) identify some aspects of structure, form or language in literary texts
b) comment on specific aspects with reference to how they shape meaning
c) make some reference to texts to support their responses.
Candidates characteristically:
a) make connections between literary texts or note comparisons
b) communicate understanding of the views expressed in other interpretations or readings.
Candidates characteristically:
a) comment on some of the relationships between texts and their contexts
b) comment on how culture, text type, literary genre or historical period influence the reading of literary texts.
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